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Usually, your washing machine was faithfully cleaning your clothes without you even being aware of its operation. All of this then came to a grinding halt due to a number of factors. There may have been water in the basin of the machine which it was refusing to drain. Or else the spinner did not spin. Well, there was a problem with the clothes washing but they did not come out very clean. Simply put, your washing machine stopped working properly or just went out. Right?
Instead of wondering and taking any steps on your own, simply call an expert professional who can repair it without any hassle. Techsquadteam’s highly professional technicians are providing the repair service for a washing machine at your doorstep across thoraipakkam, Chennai city.
Well-trained and experienced professionals
Affordable pricing
Perfect for all kinds of problems
Refrigerator Repair in thoraipakkam, Chennai
Best Water Filter Repair in thoraipakkam, Chennai
Chimney Repair in thoraipakkam, Chennai
Microwave Repair in thoraipakkam, Chennai
Service Time: 1-2 Hours (Depending on the Requirement)
No. of Staff: 2 Technicians (Depending on the Requirement)
Stool/ladder, electrical connection, and water are to be provided by the customer
No extra tips for our Technicians
Any home appliance repair is done by our own technicians. We do not contract out through any agents.
Our doorstep minimum service charge is Rs 249 for any type of Home Appliances services.