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Top 6 Germy Spots In Your House And Tips To Clean Them

On these busy working days, only a few of us get time to clean our household promptly, which is the first reason to ignore these important daily tasks easily. But at the same, cleanliness is the foremost thing that everyone should keep in mind to stay healthy and safe. Isn’t it? Due to a chaotic schedule, it is quite impossible to handle both the office as well as home. Well, the image is crystal clear; you can choose a professional cleaning service provider who can take care of your home's cleanliness. Using our tips to help clean 6 germ hideouts will make your house tip-top. In this blog, we will share our advice on how to keep the dirtiest items clean in your home. It will make your home germ and bacteria-free. 

Top 6 germ hideouts

Dishcloths and kitchen sponges:-

Most people pick up their kitchen sponges and dishcloths and use them for other tasks, starting from cleaning kitchen surfaces, and dishes, wiping down the bin, and even mopping spills on furniture. Actually, to eliminate germs and bacteria from sponges and dishcloths, clean them in hot soapy water and then soak them in an effective disinfectant for about 10 to 15 minutes. Next, allow them to dry completely and use them again to prevent getting a foul smell.

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On the other hand, you can hire a professional house cleaning service in Hyderabad. Since these people are highly talented and well-versed in their specified work. They also keep clean sponges and clothes with them which ensure they will never be spread from one place to another.


The presence of your toothbrush near your toilet can be the dirtiest and germiest item in your house. But often people ignore it, thinking the smallest place like toothbrush stands and toothbrushes may not contain germs and bacteria. You may not be aware that the bacteria from your mouth are deposited into your toothbrush every day. Airborne bacteria from the loo also get collected on your brush making you feel queasy.

Kitchen Sink:-

Although you might be thinking that your toilet bowl is the only dirtiest spot where you find deadly bacteria and germs. But you might be unaware of your kitchen sink that contains illness-causing bacteria, including E.coli and salmonella. Food particles from plates left to soak and rinsed from dishes in the dishwasher can become the breeding ground for these deadly creatures. Also, cockroaches and ants love to stay in these places.

TV Remote Control:-

Anything people touch has a lot of germs on it. The remote control is one of them. A study done by the University of Virginia on cold viruses taken from a dirty surface showed the remote control’s surface is among the germiest.

Related Blog: How Bathroom Cleaning Saves your Time?

Computer Keyboard:-

Does only eating at your computer make it the dirtiest place? Sneezing on your keyboard or surfing the internet without washing your hands also makes your computer keyboard could be one health hazard. Researchers from the British Consumer group swabbed keyboards for germs and found different kinds of potential bacteria, including E.coli and staph.


The bathtub is the place where you clean yourself. But it is not as clean, as you always think. A study done on water samples in Whirlpool tub found dangerous bacterial growth in it. The main reason behind whirlpool tubs is so dirty the lining of the pipes is. Because water tends to get trapped in the pipes which becomes the breeding ground for bacteria. Professional home cleaning services in Hyderabad recommend cleaning and disinfecting the tub regularly with bleach or bathroom cleaner. Then dry the surface with a clean towel.

Lots of germs in and around your house are harmless. Many are even good for your health. Your hand is the main culprit which transfers bacteria and viruses to your eyes, nose, and mouth from these dirty areas. So, hiring deep home cleaning in Hyderabad helps in sanitizing the surface. Book our service at TechSquadTeam now! Visit our website  for more info.



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