Most people at some point in their life have been bitten by a mosquito. Usually, it causes nothing more than an itchy swelling that lasts for a few hours. But mosquitos can carry viruses and bacteria for many severe diseases, some of which can be fatal. Every year, over a million people die from mosquito-borne diseases. In fact, mosquitos cause more human suffering and deaths than any organism. Many countries have faced the outbreak of mosquito-borne diseases and before it is too late, it’s better to take precautions and adopt the best mosquito control methods. However, to keep them away, your backwards or pool area should be cleaned properly to avoid the stock of garbages.
When a mosquito bites and feeds on blood, it swallows any virus or bacteria residing inside that body. These viruses and bacteria can pass on to the next person the mosquito bites through its saliva. Nearly 700 million people worldwide contract mosquito-borne diseases each year. If you realize that you have a mosquito infestation in your home, be sure to hire professional mosquito pest control services to avoid fatal diseases.
Malaria is the most well-known disease caused by mosquito bites. It is caused by a tiny parasite that lives inside a mosquito called Plasmodium and is spread from person to person when the mosquito bites. It is spread only by the female mosquitos of some types of Anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria, if not treated properly can be fatal by disrupting the blood supply to vital organs.
Common Symptoms:
Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus that is transmitted by the mosquito (Aedes aegypti). This mosquito breeds in stagnant water and bites mainly during the day. The symptoms usually begin 3 – 14 days after the bite. Nearly 400 million people are infected annually. Your normal dengue fever can turn into a dengue haemorrhagic fever/dengue septic shock, which can be deadly due to plasma leaking, severe bleeding, fluid accumulation, respiratory diseases, or organ impairment.
Common Symptoms:
Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitos infected with its virus. The chikungunya virus was discovered for the first time in late 2013 in the Caribbean islands of America. Since then, over 1 million people have been affected by this disease. Chikungunya does not usually result in death but the joint pain that is caused by it can last for months or maybe years, which can result in chronic pain and disability. There is no special treatment or vaccine to cure it. Only prevention measures are the effective choice.
Common Symptoms:
Yellow fever is normally found in tropical and sub-tropical areas. The name “yellow” is added due to jaundice caused in some people by the virus. The majority of the people infected with this virus have almost no illness or mild illness. However, more than 200,000 cases of yellow fever arise each year worldwide with 30,000 deaths. Yellow fever is transmitted through the bite of infected Aedes or Haemagogus species of mosquito. The virus can be transmitted from infected primates to primates (human or non-human). There is a vaccine available for yellow fever which is almost 100% effective.
Common Symptoms:
It is a mosquito-borne disease caused by the Zika virus. Similar to dengue fever, Zika is also caused by the infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. Zika fever is not fatal. In fact, most people won’t even have the symptoms or feel sick. But 1 in 5 people can have flu-like symptoms. Zika fever is especially harmful to pregnant women. The virus can pass to the unborn baby and cause malformations such as microcephaly (where the baby’s head is smaller than usual). In adults and kids, the Zika virus can cause Guillain-Barre syndrome (a rare condition that can cause paralysis).
Common Symptoms:
You can never be too careful to prevent mosquito bites. While most of the time it is non-fatal, in adverse conditions, mosquito bites can be deadly. If you start having some of the symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. Always follow the above-mentioned preventive measures to be safe from mosquito-borne diseases.
Related Blog: How summer mosquitoes can be dangerous for your health
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